"Providing medical assistance for children with oncological diseases" program

"Providing medical assistance for children with oncological diseases" program

The program has been implemented under the Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus since 2015 and provides assistance for children with oncological diseases: embryonic tumor of the sympathetic nervous system (neuroblastoma), tumor of the central nervous system (ependymoma), leukemia.

As part of the program, assistance is provided in paying for MIBG scanning, MIBG therapy, proton beam therapy and in purchasing medicines in accordance with the recommendations of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology.

In December 2022, together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus an updated program for providing assistance for children with oncological diseases was signed. The program was supplemented by two new directions:

- providing charitable assistance for the purchase of reagents and consumables for CAR-T cell therapy for children with recurrent forms of acute leukemia and lymphomas.

- providing charitable assistance for molecular research to children with rare sarcomas and brain tumors, as well as tumors resistant to therapy.

The program is financially supported by Gazprom transgaz Belarus, JSC, other legal entities and individuals.
