Total raised
BYN 4 349,30
Total raised (%)
Valeriy Karachun
Valeriy Karachun
04/23/2016, Volka, Brest region

Valeriy Karachun

23.04.2016, Volka, Brest region
  • Diagnosis: alternating hemiplegia
  • Fundraising goal: genetic analysis
Fundraising is over
Meet the child

   Little Valeriy is worried about bouts of weakness in one side of the body, sometimes in all limbs, lasting several days. These attacks occur twice a month. The first symptoms appeared before one year of life. According to the clinical picture, doctors believe that alternating hemiplegia is a genetic condition. The treatment for this disease is specific. To confirm the diagnosis the child needs a genetic study - complete sequencing of the CeGat exam. Valeriy was supported by «Chance» program.

Together we make a difference!
  • Diagnosis: oncological, hematological and immunological diseases
  • Fundraising goal: medications, MIBG-diagnostic, FMI-test
Amount needed
535 000
We still need to raise
17 888
Total raised (%)