Total raised
$ 24 000
Total raised (%)
Maxim Boguk
Maxim Boguk
02/27/2008, Zhlobin (Gomel region)

Maxim Boguk

27.02.2008, Zhlobin (Gomel region)
  • Diagnosis: achondroplasia, condition after operational treatment
  • Fundraising goal: surgical treatment
Fundraising is over
Meet the child
Maxim has achondroplasia, a genetic disease with impaired bone growth. The development of the disease is associated with a gene mutation that correlates the development of cartilage tissues and ossification, which causes a shortening of length of the limbs in combination with the normal size of the trunk. Achondroplasia is not just a child's growth retardation, but also a host of comorbidities and complications that can be alleviated by various treatments. Living with achondroplasia means constant monitoring of emerging problems and their timely resolution in order to make the child's life as high quality and fulfilling as possible.

Maxim needs step-by-step operations to lengthen the upper and lower limbs using the Ilizarov method. Currently, such operations are not performed in the Republic of Belarus for children with achondroplasia. Maxim began treatment in 2015, the first block of treatment was carried out at the Ladisten clinic in Kiev. All the operations of the stage were successful, followed by the necessary long-term rehabilitation. Thanks to the treatment, it was possible to significantly reduce the disproportion, Maxim became independent in everyday life, is able to take care of himself, pain in the back and legs significantly decreased.

However, over time, the disproportion again makes itself felt due to the uneven growth of the body, causing a complex of painful symptoms, joint damage and other complications. The successes of the past stages give the family hope that further treatment will help Maxim completely remove the imbalance and remove his disability.

Maxim is undergoing stage-by-stage surgical treatment at the Ladisten Clinic Medical Center, Kiev, Ukraine. Thanks to your kind participation, the first operation to lengthen both thighs by 8-9 cm was performed in August 2020. At the end of the stage, it was possible to lengthen the thighs by 11 cm - this is a very good result!

According to the treatment regimen, the time has come for the next stage. The current fee includes payment for two stages of treatment:

1) the second stage - lengthening both shoulders by 6 cm.
2) the third stage - lengthening both legs by 6 cm.

Friends, Maxim is an unusually intelligent, patient, creative and positive child. Over the years, he has done a lot and learned a lot. Overcoming pain, Maxim purposefully goes to his goal. The difficulties only further tempered his cheerful character. The world of the boy's hobbies is diverse! He is interested in robotics and programming, he will beat any of us in checkers and chess! And Maxim also dreams of opening a Rubik's cube club to teach his friends! Friends, thanks to your help, Maxim receives treatment that will help him remove restrictions and be open to new challenges and new experiences.

Dear friends, fundraising is over! Thank you for your help and support!

Together we make a difference!
  • Diagnosis: oncological, hematological and immunological diseases
  • Fundraising goal: medications, MIBG-diagnostic, FMI-test
Amount needed
535 000
We still need to raise
17 888
Total raised (%)