Total raised
€ 8 600
Total raised (%)
Kirill Demidov
Kirill Demidov
02/05/2020, city of Gomel

Kirill Demidov

05.02.2020, city of Gomel
  • Diagnosis: congenital malformations of the external and middle ear, bilateral severe hearing loss
  • Fundraising goal: bone conduction hearing device
Fundraising is over
Meet the child
Kiryusha was born with a congenital pathology of hearing, he is only 4 months. The world around for a special kid is also vast and interesting, but there are no sounds in it yet, or they are indistinguishably quiet. And this means that his ability to orientate and communicate is difficult, hearing loss inevitably leads to a mental retardation and speech development delay in children..

The reason for the severe degree of hearing loss is malformations of the auricle, absence of the external ear, as well as the features of the formation in ear canal, ear drum and middle ear. Fortunately, the examination confirmed that the auditory nerve is alive, which means that there is hope that the child will hear! The first and main task now for the treatment of Cyril is to raise the baby’s hearing. This is done using early prosthetics with a special bone-carrying hearing aid - a device that transmits sound to the auditory nerve bypassing the ear. The hearing aid must be placed as early as possible, delay can lead to irreversible consequences for the hearing and development of the child.

A bone conduction hearing device (also known commonly as a BAHA) works by transmitting sound vibrations through the bone. The sound processor converts the sound picked up by its microphone into vibrations. The sound processor then transmits the vibrations through the bones of the skull to the cochlear of the inner ear. The inner ear then converts these (sound) vibrations into electrical signals that the brain interprets as sound. A bone conduction hearing device therefore allows a child to hear sounds that can’t pass through the ear in the usual way, which is through the outer and middle ear.

Dear friends, treatment with the Bach device gives Kiryusha good chances for a successful future rehabilitation!

Thank you for helping the kid to hear in all the diversity and richness of the sound palette of the world around us, to hear full of tenderness and warmth words of a loving mother!
Together we make a difference!
  • Diagnosis: oncological, hematological and immunological diseases
  • Fundraising goal: medications, MIBG-diagnostic, FMI-test
Amount needed
535 000
We still need to raise
17 888
Total raised (%)