Total raised
BYN 1 297,79
Total raised (%)
Angelina Shpeneva
Angelina Shpeneva
10/16/2019, Vidzy, Braslav region

Angelina Shpeneva

16.10.2019, Vidzy, Braslav region
  • Diagnosis: epilepsy
  • Fundraising goal: genetic analysis
Fundraising is over
Meet the child

   Little Angelina's epilepsy debuted at the age of 4.5 months. It has a pharmacoresistant course. As of now, the girl has experienced numerous epileptic seizures every day. The genetic component of the disease is not excluded by doctors. The presence of a pathogenic mutation will affect the choice of treatment strategies. Epilepsy occurs in the form of epileptic encephalopathy of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome with the presence of daily tonic, myoclonic seizures and atypical absences. The child needs to conduct a genetic study - the panel "hereditary epilepsies". Angelina was supported by «Chance» program.

Together we make a difference!
  • Diagnosis: oncological, hematological and immunological diseases
  • Fundraising goal: medications, MIBG-diagnostic, FMI-test
Amount needed
535 000
We still need to raise
17 888
Total raised (%)