Total raised
$ 7 544
Total raised (%)
Anastasia Montik
Anastasia Montik
, Brest oblast, town of Baranovichi

Anastasia Montik

Brest oblast, town of Baranovichi
  • Diagnosis: Viral hepatitis type C
  • Fundraising goal: purchase of medication
Fundraising is over
Meet the child
Dear friends! Nastya has viral hepatitis type C. If left untreated, the disease may lead to irreversible processes in the girl's liver. Your donations made possible the purchase of a very expensive but effective medicine. The girl got a chance to get rid of the illness. Thank you for helping the child! Эмоксипин (уколы), тауфон, корнерегель, танакан, ретиналамин.

     Артём круглый отличник. Участвует во всех городских конкурсах. У него много дипломов и грамот. Он попросил

Together we make a difference!
21.03.2017, Minsk
  • Diagnosis: neurotrophic keratitis of both eyes
  • Fundraising goal: purchase of medication
Amount needed
124 122
We still need to raise
21 932
Total raised (%)
  • Diagnosis: oncological, hematological and immunological diseases
  • Fundraising goal: medications
Amount needed
550 000
We still need to raise
366 501
Total raised (%)